First Try At Sprite-Based GUI

It seems like everything is a little spaced out for my liking, but overall it is a decent start. I'm sure I will have some other data to add in the future to fill it out...

Health Bar at 1/4

Health Bar at Full

October Update

October has been a productive month!! We now have a dialog system, I was able to re-implement the enemy AI system that I had intended. And on top of that, I also ended up with a very effective but simple way of spawning items and characters. There is still a bit of work to go, but an actual demo is not much further down the road hopefully.

Help Wanted!

I am just one marginally talented guy, and I can't do it alone. As I flesh out my vision for this project, it is obvious that I am going to need a lot, and I mean A LOT of help.

If you are a like-minded hobbyist and have any of the skills listed below, then keep reading. I'm not looking for people to dedicate every waking hour to this, just a few people to lend a hand here and there...

I am looking for:
Quest Writers
3d Animators
3d Character Designers
3d Level designers
VFX Artists

A short description of the project:
A 3rd Person zombie/survival RPG/shooter that takes place in a near future post-apocalyptic setting.

If you are interested, please click "Contact Me!" at the top of the page.

October Update...Back into the cave

There is nothing new to show and tell, really. For now and the near future, I'm going back into the cave to undertake the task of coding in a bunch of enemies into the game. this consists of adding the models and making physics, collisions and scanning work. If that wasn't enough work, Then I have to take on the task of migrating all of that data into the Save/Load system. In a couple words, It's going to be boring/arduous work. When I re-emerge, hopefully, I will have a playable demo ready and available...

Stay Tuned.
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