Help Wanted!

I am just one marginally talented guy, and I can't do it alone. As I flesh out my vision for this project, it is obvious that I am going to need a lot, and I mean A LOT of help.

If you are a like-minded hobbyist and have any of the skills listed below, then keep reading. I'm not looking for people to dedicate every waking hour to this, just a few people to lend a hand here and there...

I am looking for:
Quest Writers
3d Animators
3d Character Designers
3d Level designers
VFX Artists

A short description of the project:
A 3rd Person zombie/survival RPG/shooter that takes place in a near future post-apocalyptic setting.

If you are interested, please click "Contact Me!" at the top of the page.

1 Response to "Help Wanted!"

  1. jordan berry says:

    youtube = ipoditouchman
    website =
    email =

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