3rd Person Shooter Project

Over the last week or two, I have been gearing back up to work on my ongoing "3rd Person Shooter" framework. I decided to create this blog to document my progress, as well as share my experiences with others who might be interested.

I am undecided as to what I want this project to be eventually. Beyond the 3PS framework, I plan to continue developing this into a full project that I hope one day sees completion. A couple of ideas have bounced in and out of my head. My intention when starting this project was to eventually create a Tactical 3rd Person Military Shooter. In the year or so since, my desire has shifted to making some type of open-ended 3rd Person Shooter/RPG hybrid.

The lack of concrete story has not hindered the development of this project. The framework mechanics are relatively unchanged, with the exception of having to completely redo the raycasting part of the project (due to enhancements in the 3dRad engine, my previous raycasting method became obsolete). The biggest obstacle that I have faced is my own lack of expertise. I have lost many, many hours of sleep over the last year working on what I consider to be relatively simple problems. And just when it seems one problem is corrected, another one would pop up in its place.

But as the first stage of this project nears completion, I begin to look ahead to develop my vision of what I want this project to become.

Here is a brief video chronology of this project.
Feb '09

Mar '10


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