Onlive: The Console Killer?

Today we stand at the precipice of gaming history. The Onlive gaming service is set to launch in a matter of weeks. And unlike previous online gaming services which require you to download the games(and is dependent on your computer's hardware), Onlive asserts that you will be able to stream (think Youtube) and play the latest games in all of their graphical glory. If that wasn't enough, Onlive will also boast a robust social community.

The biggest draw is the potential to bring high-end gaming to mid and low range systems. If Onlive is successful, it will change the face of gaming.

Onlive must prove it can overcome the one potential technical issue critical to it's success. Will it provide a seamless streaming gaming experience? Onlive has stated that a Connection of 5 Mbps is needed for HD gaming, and only 1.5 Mbps for SD gaming. If Onlive truly can deliver as promised, I expect it to give XBox 360 and Playstation 3 a serious run.

1 Response to "Onlive: The Console Killer?"

  1. Anonymous says:

    The thing is, onlive will only make today's console a run if they are able to offer enough games. If they only have the capital to offer a couple of titles, it's not going to work.

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