3rd Person Shooter, Camera Modification

It's been awhile since the promised update. But I wanted to post a quick video of the new camera system. It's just basically a following 3rd Person Cam. Any feedback is appreciated.

4 Response to "3rd Person Shooter, Camera Modification"

  1. Kappel1101 says:

    Awesome job bro!!! Looks really good, I think this camera angle is a lot better... can't wait till you throw some buildings in as place holder art and add other stuff.

    Kappel1101 says:

    oh yeah and btw, its about damn time you started working on this again!!!

    M.g says:

    hey man could u tell me how u make the dialog ,,,, or put a demo with a dialog only to keep ur work private. ... u r so coool ... iam making a game like GtA but multi player with CLIENT and SERVER ..... i will post it in 3d rad forum soon ... M.g

    Roland says:

    stop killing!

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